Resilience Fund

re·sil·ience, noun: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

About the Fund:

The Resilience Fund will help us keep children learning and avoid widespread drop outs during COVID-19 school closures in Central America and accelerate impact when children finally return to the classroom in mid-2021.


According to some economists, this global pandemic could push an additional 60 million people into extreme poverty.

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Why Support The Resilience Fund?

Our schools in Central America closed within days of the first school closings in the U.S.  None of our kids have access to online learning and few have access to TV programming or even radio programming.

Our kids don't even have books or any kind of stimulating resources in their homes.  Most of their parents are unable even to read or write.  While we worry about kids falling behind here in the U.S., we worry about kids never returning to school at all in Central America.

We instinctively and immediately pivoted to meet the needs of our children and families. We distributed our own learning guides. We sent homework to parents over WhatsApp. We created WhatsApp support groups for our middle school girls. We created and hosted remedial teacher trainings so that teachers were prepared for when schools reopen. Most recently, we developed and launched radio programming with lessons, Story Time and a Radio-NOVELA for parents. Click here to learn more about our COVID innovation.

At the same time, we are experiencing an unprecedented loss of revenue with the cancellation of our Spring and Summer service trips. We count on these trips to fund most of our program budget - that is books, parent trainings, teacher trainings, schools & playgrounds - so we need you now more than ever.

The School the World Resilience Fund will help our communities recover from this global pandemic. Without our help, this pandemic could reverse any progress in Central America and create another generation of illiteracy and extreme poverty.